Enjoy Tours Newspaper Ads

Enjoy Tours had ad space reserved every week in several Military focused newspapers. We generally ran two column ads of varying heights as needed. Mostly the ads were of a similar design and layout.

There was a time where business slowed for tours across all the different tour companies. The newspapers put all the different tour company ads on the same page or at least in the same section of the newspaper. In order to get our ad to stand out, I had a strange idea. Rotate the ad slightly as to appear crooked. Newspapers are laid-out in very straight vertical columns, so anything that wasn’t straight was sure to standout. The newspaper called us to have the ad straightened, but we stated it was our intention for this crooked layout. Begrudgingly they printed the ad as requested and sure enough when the printed paper showed up the ad immediately jumped off the page. We sold out every tour in the ad just because you couldn’t ignore the ad on the page. The crookedness bothered the newspaper so much and they got complaints from the other tour companies to such a degree, they refused to ever print another crooked ad again. Turns out it was an interesting idea and it worked the one time they allowed us to print it that way.

Please see a selection of the ads below.